25 Guiding Principles for Ethnic Unity
Twenty-five years ago I began my journey in ethnic unity ministry. Over the years I have learned some valuable lessons. I thought I’d share twenty-five of them with you.
The journey into ethnic unity is best done relationally, and not ideologically. Learn to sit together over cups of coffee, instead of arguing with one another over concepts.
“White” is not a four letter word.
Remember we are family.
We all speak out of both our experience and lack of experience.
Our story shapes how we see the Bible, so learn to do theology in community.
Proximity breeds empathy.
Hold tight what is essential.
Hold loosely what is not essential.
God doesn’t love me more than the one who hurt me.
I’m called to love the person, not win the argument.
Don’t stop at their sin, see their story.
Cancel culture is the language of dictatorship, not of a democracy, and most certainly not the language of the kingdom.
My identity is in Christ, not my oppression.
My identity is in Christ, not my historical advantage.
Be formed by the Bible and not by the culture.
Wield truth like a scalpel to heal and not a knife to kill.
When uncomfortable around conversations/sermons on race, pray first and ask why, leaving room for the Holy Spirit to work.
People of other ethnicities and cultures are gifts to me to expose my biases, preferences and norms.
Racism is covered by the blood of Christ. If God forgives, so can I.
A person who refuses to repent is an abuser. Forgive and draw a boundary.
I’m not called to change anyone. I can’t even change myself. Therefore, I’m free to speak truth and love.
Filter your sociology through your theology, and not your theology through your sociology.
I don’t need to comment on everything.
Be louder on the gospel than race.
Diversity is not the ultimate goal, unity is.