
Dr. Bryan Loritts is the founder and president of The Kainos Movement, and the author of several books including his newest release, The Offensive Church.



I loveto read, and so far I’ve read some great books this year. I thought I’d share six of the books I’ve read so far in 2016 that have inspired me:

The Imperfect Pastor, Zack Eswine
Okay, Iendorsed this one, but still, I had already read it once before I was asked togive an endorsement to the second edition! I rarely re-read books…rarely, butthis one is so good I made an exception, plus I was anxious to see what newmaterial Zack added. Not only a gifted writer, but Zack places his finger onthe pulse of most pastors’ hearts as we battle envy, wrong motives, insecurityand people pleasing (among a host of other issues). I would recommend this booknot only to those of us in pastoral ministry, but also Christians in general,as it will show you (by implication) how to better relate to and support yourpastor.

The Power of the Cross, Tony Evans
Dr.Evans has been a significant inspiration to me, even before I started preachingat age 17. I remember listening to his radio ministry and hearing him in personand being beyond inspired. Charles Ryrie defines brilliance as the ability tomake the complex simple, and if this is true, Dr. Evans is brilliant. He hasthe gift to take deep, complex theological truths, and use the perfectillustration or analogy so that we can grasp it. This book is quintessentialTony Evans, as he brings the cross and the events of first-century Jerusalem toour homes and hearts in 2016.

Mea Culpa, Kyle McClellan
Wordslike self-effacing, vulnerable and transparent best describe this short volume. Kyle, a pastor who hasserved several churches, writes, as the title suggests, of his failures. I foundmyself nodding and even wincing in agreement as he shares his many ministrymiscues and fumbles. In this celebrity culture where so many pastors writebooks on success, using themselves as an example, and in our social media agewhen we tend to only show our best side, MeaCulpa is a breath of fresh air.

Prophetic Lament, Soong Chan Rah
No doubtmy favorite book I’ve read so far in 2016. Dr. Rah argues that because ourworship songs overwhelmingly have a triumphal edge, and with the deficit oflament songs, we have shaped a generation and culture who do not know how togrieve with those who grieve. Therefore, when historically oppressed minoritygroups grieve yet another instance of injustice, the church is ill equipped tosit and lament with those who are hurting. We need to return to the book ofLamentations, Rah suggests, while he walks us through it in a way that is deep,yet pastoral and practical. This truly is a must read.

Duke: A Life of Duke Ellington, Terry Teachout
I love jazzmusic…old-school jazz, and, of course, that means Duke Ellington. Teachout haswritten a rich biography on the legendary Ellington. My only critique is, inhis effort to focus on the music, the humanity of Ellington plays more of asecondary. Nonetheless, I found myself unable to put this book down as I wenton this musical journey of Duke Ellington’s life and career—a man calledAmerica’s greatest composer.

Good Faith, David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons
It’sbeen said that to be an effective Christian we need to keep a newspaper in onehand and a Bible in the other. To follow Christ means we need to have anunderstanding of culture, and Kinnaman and Lyons, authors of UnChristian, have done it again withtheir insightful book on culture, GoodFaith.

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