Kainos Ministry exists to see the multiethnic church become the new normal in our country.
The Kainos Cohort is an opportunity to equip leaders in how to lead multiethnic churches and movements.
This year’s Fall Kainos Cohort will take place virtually on October 26th-28th, 2020. The cohort will include the following teaching schedule and faculty:
Dr. Bryan Loritts, Dr. Curtiss DeYoung, Dr. Larry Acosta, Pastor Marcos Canales
October 26
1PM The Gospel and Multiethnic Movements, Dr. Bryan Loritts
2PM Practicing Biblical Reconciliation in 21st Century Congregations (and Para Church Organizations), Dr. Curtiss DeYoung
3PM Cultural Competence and Multiethnic Movements, Dr. Bryan Loritts
October 27
1PM Devotional, Dr. Bryan Loritts
2PM Before Jesus was White: Deconstructing the Whiteness of U.S. Christianity, Dr. Curtiss DeYoung
3PM Trends and Tools for Mulitethnic Congregations and Organizations, Dr. Curtiss DeYoung
4PM Navigating Racial Trauma in Multiethnic Movements, Dr. Bryan Loritts
October 28
1PM Developing Next Gen. Multiethnic Leaders, Dr. Larry Acosta
2PM Understanding and Reaching Latino Millennials, Pastor Marcos Canales
3PM Leading Beyond Fumes: YOU…Better, Healthier, Stronger,Dr. Larry Acosta