Dr. Bryan Loritts

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From a Grateful Heart

Thispast Sunday, I preached my first sermon as lead pastor of Abundant Life.  Afterwards, the church graciously threw me areception where I stood for close to two hours shaking hands and receivinggenerous well wishes from our church. Ican’t even begin to put into words the love I felt and received from you. When I was done—or thought I was done—thewell wishes continued, as a stack of cards was presented to me in which many ofyou wrote words of life to me and our family.Korie and I feasted on your words when I returned home this pastMonday. Thank you!

AsI continue to think about this past Sunday, my mind drifts beyond the kindnessof our church to the elders who have (and continue to) lead you over theyears. Leading a church is tough. Leading a church in pastoral transition istougher. Leading a church through twopastoral transitions is just crazy, and yet these men have done it well andwith excellence. They have been faithfulin their leadership, prayers for the body and in the teaching of theScriptures.  These men have made toughdecisions, taken plenty of heat and have stood the test of time. Jesus’ commendation of the church at Ephesusand how they had “endured patiently,” is a fit description for our elders aswell. So these men deserve a biggerthank you than I do.

Ifyou are a part of the Abundant Life family, let me make my first big ask of youas your pastor. Can you, this week, sitdown and send a text, compose an email, write the letter, take out to lunch orpick up the phone and call one or several of our elders and just tell themthank you? Pick out something specific andencourage them. It’ll put valuable windin their sails, and give them an added boost of energy for what lies ahead.

P.S.: Theydidn’t ask me to say this at all, so let’s keep it “between us.”


See photos from Sunday on Facebook.com/ALCF

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